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Important Alert From Rev. Leslie Washington 

Good Morning Members of Allen Chapel AME Church,

This is Reverend Washington, hope everyone is well. However I would like to just inform everyone that all services will be cancelled until further notice due to the Coronavirus outbreak in our land. Being it is the season of Lent I would ask everyone to continue to pray for our congregation, as well as our community, that God will bring about a physical, as well as spiritual healing, to all who are affected in our land. Look for more information that will be coming soon. Please share this with all friends and family to ensure everyone is informed. Be Blessed in the Lord!


Mar 18, 2020

He is soo cute! Miss you both!


Selena Stone
Selena Stone
Mar 18, 2020

Thank you for sending me the church website!!!! I hope you all are staying well and healthy. We miss u all very much. May God bless you all.

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